Victoria Canham Coaching

1-2-1 Coaching for Service-based Business Owners

You're raring to go, but you haven't yet defined your roadmap, or maybe even your destination for your business.

Let me tell you, the best time for the map is BEFORE you enter the forest. And that's what I'm here for. With me at your side as your coach, we will define your goal (destination) and the map (plan/ strategy) to get you there.

Does this sound like you?

  • You're a driven business owner who is ready for the next level but you don't know what the next step is to get you there.

  • - You've been on loads of courses that you thought were the answer, but they just tried to upsell you into a more expensive programme.

  • - Online courses just don't get you the results you want

  • - You love your business and your trade, your mindset is playing havoc with your implementation and growth.

  • You have so much content, but you don't know what to do with it all.

  • - You would love to have someone in your corner who understands what the entrepreneurial spirit feels like.

What if things could be different?

What if you could have a business bestie who wants you to do the work you love and wants to help you shout about it?

I love entrepreneurs and I love their success, and I love to shout about it all. People can't buy from you if they don't know you exist, so I love to tell them about your business and your products. And as your business bestie, I want to work with the best version of you, so I will keep you focused on your

What if you could get coaching and support from someone who doesn't believe in charging you £20,000 just because they can?

Together we will audit your business and work out what is working, what is not and how to get you to the next steps. I have spent thousands of pounds on certifications and coaches myself, but I don't believe in charging house deposit prices, just because others do.

What if you could work with someone who believes that your results are their results?

There's no two ways about it, if we are working together to build your strategy in coaching, then I care about those results as much as you do and I will help you to get there.

Why do you need a business bestie?

As entrepreneurs, we're notoriously bad at self-care and taking care of our own needs, while we focus on finishing one more task. That's where I come in, as your business bestie, I will help you to build a strong mindset, set firm boundaries and even look after your wellbeing. Business requires a great deal of investment mentally sure, but also physically and emotionally. As your business bestie, I keep you going and growing.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

Business can be lonely, confusing and downright frustrating.

Especially when there is so much conflicting information out there, coupled with really gross sales and marketing techniques. Heart-centred, creative business owners seldom go in for the time wasting techniques used by many charlatans in the online world, which leaves them feeling frustrated by lack of business growth or sales.

You've been told to "work on your business" but you're a little bit too close to it to truly see what the next realistic steps are, so you haven't yet got a roadmap in place to get you to your destination.

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:

The 1-2-1 Coaching Package!

This 1-2-1 coaching package will help you to really double down on moving the needle in your business...

We will deep-dive into your business to discover where you truly are right now with a business review.

Then, together we will identify your strategic goals and develop a plan to achieve them. We will identify and implement the systems, processes, support and actions you need to move your business forward. You will receive the accountability, clarity, momentum and support to get you taking action and smashing those goals.

We will develop your bespoke package based on the results of your business review, but we will also reflect on how far you have come, refocus on the future and commit to achieving all that you desire.

Want to see if we're the right fit first?

Book a discovery call to discuss your options and how I can support your business.

Here’s what you’ll get when you join:


2 hours of coaching

After a business audit, we will define your goals and build your strategy based on your business goals. We will have two hours of coaching per month for 6 months.


Business Review

I will review your business to see what gaps exist and how we can streamline your processes and save your precious resources, and systemise and document your processes.


Voxer Coaching

Sometimes you will just have questions that can't wait, so you will have access to me throughout your programme on Voxer and Email.


90-Day Review

90 days into the programme, we will conduct a second business audit, highlight your growth and improvement and we will redefine your goals and gaps to focus on for the next 90 days.


Mindset and Wellness

Sometimes it is our own mindset that holds us back and causes inaction. We will work on any blocks that are holding you back and ensure that your wellbeing is kept front of mind at all times.

Enroll now for just £3600

Monthly payment plans available


Victoria doesn’t waste time telling you she’s an expert - she shows you her expertise!

She is a phenomenal coach with a knack for getting to the heart of whatever is blocking your path to success. Her no nonsense approach empowers and moves you from your current situation (which may no longer be working for you) to where you start to visualise and reach for your full potential, regardless of your level of seniority. Her time in the corporate world means that she can meet you exactly where you are.”

— Jessica Rockson, Rocksteady Coaching

"Victoria coached me on my goals for my photography career and business. She helped me gain clarity on where I wanted to go with my career, and helped turn my abstract ideas into clear, practical steps that I could take to reach my goals. It was good to gain her insight and perspective, as she was able to suggest ideas to me that I hadn't previously considered. I would definitely recommend her to any individual or business that knows what they want for their future, but just needs a bit of guidance as to where to start to turn their ideas into reality."

— Lauren Fletcher, Lauren Fletcher Photography


How can I pay for this package?

You can pay by Stripe using your debit or credit card.

Should you wish to discuss a payment plan, book a call with me here.

What qualifications do you have as a coach?

I am an ICF Professional Certified Coach and obtained my qualification through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). I have over 750 hours of coaching experience. I am also a Certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner and have more than 20 years of technical business experience. I recently became an accredited Civil and Commercial Mediator.

I don't really want coaching, can I just have tech support?

Absolutely! Please setup a call so we can discuss your requirements. Here's the link: BOOK HERE

© Copyright 2023 Victoria Canham Coaching