Practical Mindfulness: A Sceptic's Guide to Mindfulness for Remote Business Owners and Corporate Professionals

Victoria Canham • 16 February 2024 • 5 min read

In today's fast-paced world, where remote work has become the norm for many small business owners and corporate professionals alike, the concept of mindfulness might seem like something out of a New Age self-help book. However, mindfulness is far from being an esoteric practice reserved for the spiritually inclined. It's a practical tool that can greatly benefit anyone looking to navigate the challenges of modern work life with more ease and clarity, especially those who may be sceptical of its "woo" factor.

What is Mindfulness?

Before delving into its practical applications, let's clarify what mindfulness actually is. At its core, mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the moment, without judgment. It involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment with an open and curious mindset.

For those sceptical of anything that veers into the realm of spirituality or mysticism, mindfulness can be approached from a purely pragmatic standpoint. Think of it as a mental training technique, akin to strength training for the mind. It's about sharpening your focus, improving your decision-making skills, and enhancing your overall well-being.

Practical Mindfulness for Remote Business Owners and Corporate Professionals

Now, let's explore how mindfulness can be applied in the context of running a small business or working as a mid to senior corporate employee, particularly in a remote setting:

Stress Management

Remote work can blur the boundaries between professional and personal life, leading to increased stress levels. Mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing exercises (I like box breathing), body scans, and guided meditation (there are loads of free guided meditations on YouTube) can help you manage stress more effectively. By taking regular breaks to pause, breathe, and reset, you can prevent burnout and maintain a healthier work-life balance.

Focus and Productivity

Distractions abound in the remote work environment, from email notifications to household chores calling your name. Mindfulness can help you cultivate laser-like focus by training your attention to stay anchored in the present moment. Simple practices like single-tasking, setting clear priorities, and practicing mindful listening during virtual meetings can significantly boost your productivity.


Whether you're making strategic business decisions or tackling everyday tasks, clarity of mind is essential. Mindfulness enables you to step back from automatic reactions and approach situations with greater awareness and discernment. By cultivating a habit of pausing before responding, you can make more informed choices that align with your long-term goals and values.

Emotional Intelligence

Effective leadership and collaboration hinge on emotional intelligence—the ability to recognise and manage your own emotions while empathising with others. Mindfulness practices help you develop greater emotional self-awareness and regulation, leading to more authentic connections and smoother interpersonal dynamics within your remote team or business network.

Adaptability and Resilience

The business landscape is constantly evolving, presenting new challenges and opportunities. Mindfulness fosters adaptability and resilience by cultivating a mindset of acceptance and flexibility. Rather than getting caught up in fear or resistance to change, you can approach uncertainty with curiosity and openness, allowing for creative problem-solving and innovation.

Mindfulness is not a one-size-fits-all solution, nor is it a magical cure-all for the complexities of remote work and corporate life. However, when approached with an open mind and a willingness to experiment, it can serve as a valuable tool for enhancing your well-being and effectiveness as a small business owner or corporate professional.

So, if you've been sceptical of mindfulness in the past, consider giving it a try from a practical perspective. Start with small, manageable steps, such as incorporating short mindfulness practices into your daily routine or attending a virtual mindfulness workshop tailored to professionals like yourself. You might be surprised by the positive impact it can have on your work, your relationships, and your overall quality of life.

🌟 Ready to Transform Your Remote Work Experience and Elevate Your Business or Career to New Heights? 🌟

Congratulations on taking the first step toward unlocking your full potential in the world of remote work and business leadership! If you resonated with the practical insights and actionable strategies shared in this blog on mindfulness for remote business owners and corporate professionals, then you're primed for a transformative journey ahead.

Now is the time to turn inspiration into action and catapult your success to the next level. Picture this: A personalised roadmap tailored to your unique goals and challenges, expert guidance to navigate the intricacies of remote work with confidence, and a supportive partner dedicated to helping you thrive in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

It's Time to Ignite Your Inner Fire and Embrace the Power of Mindfulness in Action!

Schedule a complimentary discovery call with me today, and let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and unparalleled success. Together, we'll uncover the untapped potential within you, harness the transformative power of mindfulness, and unleash a wave of innovation and prosperity in your business or career.

Here's What You Can Expect from Our Discovery Call:

✅ Personalised Assessment: Gain insights into your current challenges, aspirations, and opportunities for growth.

✅ Tailored Strategies: Receive customised recommendations and actionable steps to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

✅ Clarity and Confidence: Gain clarity on your path forward and unleash the confidence to pursue your dreams.

✅ Empowering Partnership: Experience the support and guidance of a dedicated ally committed to your success every step of the way.

Don't let uncertainty hold you back any longer. The time for transformation is now, and the journey begins with a single step: scheduling your discovery call.

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Victoria Canham - Mental Performance Coach

Victoria is an ICF-accredited certified professional coach, who offers bespoke performance coach. With a background in change management and countless hours of professional coaching training and experience, I made the big switch to full-time coaching in 2020. I know what it is like to suddenly have the rug pulled out from under you while you're busy making other plans, as a result, I now help people like you to bounce back from adversity and major setbacks to emerge stronger and better than ever before. Our clients have transformed from feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges to confident, goal-driven individuals who navigate life's obstacles with ease. They've achieved their personal and professional objectives and embodied peak performance in all aspects of life. You too can experience this transformation. This is your moment. Your chance to take control, to choose growth over stagnation, achievement over inaction. This is your opportunity to prove to yourself that you're not defined by your challenges—you're defined by how you rise above them. Are you ready to transform your life and achieve peak performance?


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