Transform from feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges to a confident, happier, goal-driven individual who effortlessly navigates obstacles, achieves personal and professional objectives, and embodies peak performance in all aspects of life.

Bounceback after Setback - One-to-One Bespoke Performance Coaching

'Bounceback after Setback' provides you with the tools to transform your life.

You'll go from feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges to becoming a confident, goal-driven individual.

Our one-to-one live coaching will guide you on your journey to peak performance, helping you navigate obstacles and achieve your personal and professional objectives.

You'll emerge stronger, braver, and more resilient, ready to conquer life's adversities.

As a seasoned coach and a survivor myself, I know firsthand what it takes to bounce back from life’s challenges. I've guided countless individuals through their transformation, helping them reclaim their lives and achieve their goals. With 'Bounceback after Setback', you benefit from my years of experience and success in overcoming adversity.

Is this Programme Right for Me?

✅ Are ready to make some positive, potentially life altering changes?

✅ Are you feeling tired, uninspired and nothing like the person you used to be?

✅ Are you craving more in your life - more fun, more adventure, more happiness?

✅ Are you hoping to live more in line with your values and priorities?

✅ Do you know you were made for more?

✅ Are you feeling held back by lack of confidence, self-belief or fear?

✅ Do you want greater clarity and direction?

✅ Are you ready to no longer let life or excuses get in the way of your goals and aspirations?

✅ Are you prepared to make changes?

✅ Are you ready to take accept total responsibility for your life and do what it takes to create the life you want?

Outcomes You Can Expect

1️⃣ Increased Confidence - tools, strategies, and mindset required to handle any situation. This will significantly enhance your confidence, allowing you to face challenges head-on rather than feeling overwhelmed.

2️⃣ Improved Emotional Resilience - as you work through the programme, you will develop emotional resilience and learn how to process and manage your emotions effectively, reducing stress and anxiety. This will have a profound effect on your overall mental health.

3️⃣ Enhanced Performance - with increased confidence and improved emotional resilience, you will be able to perform at your peak in every area of your life - be it personal, professional, or social.

4️⃣ Goal Achievement - set, pursue, and achieve your goals. You will have the clarity and focus you need to pursue what you genuinely want in life.

5️⃣ Better Relationships - as you become more confident and emotionally resilient, you will also be able to foster healthier, more fulfilling relationships. You will be better equipped to communicate your needs, resolve conflict and implement boundaries, leading to deeper connections with others.

6️⃣ Improved Health and Overall Wellbeing - performance coaching aims to help you create a happier, healthier and calmer you holistically.

What’s Included?

⏺️ Initial 90-minute intensive session to establish your goals and desires

⏺️ 11 private one-to-one coaching session tailored to your needs and goals

⏺️ Personalised digital journal supplement to our coaching sessions

⏺️ Progress review session

⏺️ Tools and exercises, as appropriate to aid your personal development

⏺️ Your choice of either an Energy Leadership Index or DiSC Personality Assessment.

What types of things can we discuss?

Our coaching is tailored to you and your development, it is designed to help you achieve what you deem to be peak performance for you right now. My clients have addressed new careers, relationships, career progression, business development, marketing, relationships, health and wellbeing, fitness and nutrition, family dynamics, setting boundaries, bouncing back after getting burnt by a "business coach", building confidence, recovering from burnout, getting out of a rut, overcoming grief, recovering from injury and illness, 5 year plans and so much more.

Nothing is off the table, but coaching cannot replace psychotherapy or other medical interventions.

What’s stopping you from becoming unstoppable?

Who this Coaching is NOT for:

🚫 The Complacent Comfort Seeker;

🚫 Someone who is content with their current state of life and does not seek change or improvement;

🚫 Someone who is not motivated to push beyond their comfort zone or tackle challenges;

🚫 Someone who values stability and routine over growth and self-improvement;

🚫 Someone who is not interested in personal development or performance coaching, preferring to maintain their status quo;

🚫 Someone who is not willing to invest time, energy, or resources into transformational programmes or services.


Energy Leadership Index

The ELI is an assessment to awaken your potential and reshape your world.

DiSC Profiling & Debrief

DISC is a powerful tool for enhancing team dynamics and increasing self-awareness.


High Performance Habit Tracker

3 Steps to Discovering Your Life Purpose


Book a call to find out how I can help

you to achieve your peak performance.