Stress Less, Live More: Strategies for a Calmer You

Victoria Canham • 5 June 2024 • 6 min read

"Winners become losers when they forget the lessons that losing taught them." ~ Alex Hormozi

Let's face it, the past few years have been a rollercoaster. Between global events and personal challenges, it's no wonder we're all feeling a little stressed and overwhelmed. For many professionals, maintaining a sense of calm and presence can feel near impossible when stress seems to be a constant companion.

But, as always I bring you the good news - as a performance coach, I understand how these pressures can impact your well-being and productivity. You don't have to white-knuckle your way through life as though you’re stuck upside down on that malfunctioning rollercoaster. There are practical, evidence-based, easy to follow strategies to help you manage stress effectively, allowing you to live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again, stress is incredibly useful, until it kills you. Managing stress effectively is crucial for our well-being and success. Peak performance means looking after your mental health, which is directly impacted by stress.

By incorporating these simple strategies into your daily routine, you can significantly reduce stress and rediscover a sense of inner peace. Here are a few key practices to get you started:

What Is Stress?

Stress is a natural response to demanding situations, but we are not supposed to live in stress, where it becomes chronic, significantly affecting our mental and physical health. Chronic stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and a host of physical ailments, reducing our quality of life.

To put it bluntly, stress can kill you if you don’t do something to get it under control. Understanding the nature of your stress, its cause and its impacts is the first step towards mitigating its effects.

How to Find Your Inner Calm

1. Identify Your Stressors: The first step to managing stress is understanding what triggers it. Take a moment to reflect on what situations, people, or habits leave you feeling overwhelmed.

Get your journal and write down your trigger. Is it a looming deadline, a difficult colleague, or a tendency to catastrophise (great word isn’t it?)? Once you pinpoint your triggers, you can start to develop strategies to avoid or manage them.

Note: I know I talk about journaling all the time, but I’m not talking about the “Dear Diary” type of journaling where you pour all your secrets into a little book with a crap heart-shaped padlock that keeps no-one out and ends up in your sibling’s hands being aired over dinner to all and sundry at Christmas. I’m talking about the kind of journal kept by Virginia Woolf, General Patton or Che Guevara - it is a sounding board, a way to process thoughts and keep a record of events that can later help you identify patterns. It is a tool to track and analyse your performance.

2. Breathe for Calm: Taking a few deep breaths might seem simple, but it's a powerful tool for calming the nervous system and reducing stress hormones.

Try this: inhale slowly through your nose for a count of four, hold for a count of two, and exhale slowly through pursed lips for a count of six. Repeat this for a few minutes whenever you feel stressed.

Read more about Box Breathing


3. Schedule Self-Care, Not Just Work: Treat self-care like an essential appointment, not a luxury. Schedule time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Whether it's a brisk walk in nature, a relaxing bath, or spending time with loved ones, prioritise activities that bring you joy and a sense of calm. My favourite self-care is a deep-tissue massage - give it a try.

4. Challenge Negative Thoughts: Stress often stems from unhelpful thought patterns. When you find yourself dwelling on worst-case scenarios, challenge those thoughts with more realistic and positive reframing. Is the situation truly as dire as your mind makes it out to be? Where’s that journal? Notice any patterns?

5. Reconnect with What Matters Most: Sometimes, stress can blur our sense of purpose. Take some time to reconnect with your core values and what truly matters to you. Aligning your actions with your values can create a sense of direction and reduce stress.

6. Move Your Body: Exercise is a powerful stress reliever. Even a brisk walk in nature can work wonders. Find an activity you enjoy, be it dancing, weightlifting, running or swimming, and incorporate it into your routine.

7. Prioritise Sleep: It's hard to manage stress when you're running on fumes. Prioritise getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Create a relaxing bedtime routine and establish a consistent sleep schedule. You can read a book (remember those) before lights out but no TV, no screens at all. No, you can’t watch TikToks before bed, because next thing it’s 2am -you’re just going to have to trust me on this.

8. Connect with Supportive People: Bottling up stress only makes it worse. Talk to a trusted friend, coach, therapist, or join a support group. Sharing your struggles can lighten the load and offer valuable perspectives.

9. Practice Gratitude: Take a few minutes each day to reflect on the things you're grateful for, big or small. Shifting your focus to what's good in your life can have a surprisingly calming effect.

When we are really stressed, it can be extremely hard to find something to be grateful for, or something good in your day, when days like this happen I choose trees, I can always be grateful for trees - they provide shade, oxygen, a home for wildlife, sometimes fruit, they change through an array of beautiful colours etc - as you can see, trees then give me many more things to be grateful for. Maybe your daily gratitude is your kid or your spouse or your car. It’s a process.

Personal and Client Success Stories

Let me share a story from my coaching practice. One of my clients, a successful marketing executive, faced major stress and was on track for complete burnout. Through our sessions, we focused on mindfulness exercises, partitioning thoughts, creating a balanced schedule, and implementing healthy habits. Over time, she regained her confidence and found a renewed sense of direction in her career. These tangible results can be within your reach as well.

Ready to Find Your Calm?

These are just a few starting points on your journey to a calmer you. I have many more tips and tools to

help you avoid burnout and get your mojo back


Stress management is a journey, not a destination. If you're feeling overwhelmed and need personalised guidance to navigate the stormy seas, let's chat.

Book a free initial call or send me a direct message and let's explore how I can help you navigate through the frazzled feelings and find your way back to calm. A calmer, more present you is absolutely possible.

P.S. I know that everyone experiences stress differently. During our initial consultation, we'll discuss what’s happening in your life, how you’re currently showing up, and identify any blocks that may be hindering your progress. Together, we can develop a tailored plan to help you stress less and live more.

Remember, taking the first step towards a calmer, more fulfilling life is a powerful decision. Let’s make that journey together.

Recommended Reading

In this book, Dr Rangan Chatterjee, draws on two decades of practice to show you how to make easy-to-follow and sustainable health and lifestyle improvements to your everyday life. Top tips include:

· How to breathe to feel happier

· How to schedule in "me time"

· How to become less addicted to your phone

· How to find and ignite your passion

Learn how to slow down and feel calmer and more in control of your life by investing in your long-term health.

We’re not just about overcoming obstacles, we’re about transforming lives. 

Victoria Canham - Mental Performance Coach

Victoria is an ICF-accredited certified professional coach, who offers bespoke performance coach. With a background in change management and countless hours of professional coaching training and experience, I made the big switch to full-time coaching in 2020. I know what it is like to suddenly have the rug pulled out from under you while you're busy making other plans, as a result, I now help people like you to bounce back from adversity and major setbacks to emerge stronger and better than ever before. Our clients have transformed from feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges to confident, goal-driven individuals who navigate life's obstacles with ease. They've achieved their personal and professional objectives and embodied peak performance in all aspects of life. You too can experience this transformation. This is your moment. Your chance to take control, to choose growth over stagnation, achievement over inaction. This is your opportunity to prove to yourself that you're not defined by your challenges—you're defined by how you rise above them. Are you ready to transform your life and achieve peak performance?


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